Your search results as of 09/07/2005 at 11:10AM.
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1Last Name | First Name | Type | DOB | County | Offense | Convicted |
Doe | John | 08/12/1970 |
Davidson |
Possession of Meth | 04/18/2005 |
Doe | Johnny | 08/12/1971 |
Davidson |
Possession of Meth | 04/18/2005 |
Doe | John | 08/12/1970 |
Bedford |
Possession of Meth | 04/18/2005 |
Doe | Johnny | 08/12/1971 |
Bedford |
Possession of Meth | 04/18/2005 |
Doey | Jon | 08/12/1971 |
Bedford |
Possession of Meth | 04/18/2005 |
Doey | John | 08/12/1972 |
Rutherford |
Possession of Meth | 04/12/2005 04/01/2005 |
Dont | Jon | 08/12/1972 |
Rutherford |
Possession of Meth | 04/12/2005 |
Doey | Jon | 08/12/1971 |
Rutherford |
Possession of Meth | 04/18/2005 |
Doey | John | 08/12/1972 |
Coffee |
Possession of Meth | 04/12/2005 |
Dont | Jon | 08/12/1972 |
Coffee |
Possession of Meth | 04/12/2005 |
Doe | John | 08/12/1970 |
Davidson |
Possession of Meth | 04/18/2005 |
Doe | Johnny | 08/12/1971 |
Davidson |
Possession of Meth | 04/18/2005 01/12/2005 |
Doe | John | 08/12/1970 |
Bedford |
Possession of Meth | 04/18/2005 |
Doe | Johnny | 08/12/1971 |
Bedford |
Possession of Meth | 04/18/2005 08/30/2004 |
Doey | Jon | 08/12/1971 |
Bedford |
Possession of Meth | 04/18/2005 |
Doey | John | 08/12/1972 |
Rutherford |
Possession of Meth | 04/12/2005 |
Dont | Jon | 08/12/1972 |
Rutherford |
Possession of Meth | 04/12/2005 |
Doey | Jon | 08/12/1971 |
Rutherford |
Possession of Meth | 04/18/2005 |
Doey | John | 08/12/1972 |
Coffee |
Possession of Meth | 04/12/2005 |
Dont | Jon | 08/12/1972 |
Coffee |
Possession of Meth | 04/12/2005 |